What Color Are Dolphins? (Blue or Pink?)

Dolphins are some of the most beautiful creatures in the sea. They come in all sorts of colors, from the common grey to the very rare albino. But what color are dolphins really?

Dolphins (Amazing Animals)

What Color Are Dolphins?

The answer to this question is a bit complicated, as there are many different species of dolphins, and each one can be a different color. For example, the most common type of dolphin is the bottlenose dolphin, which is typically grey. But there are also pink dolphins, albino dolphins, and even blue dolphins! So it really depends on what kind of dolphin you’re talking about.

Here is a list of some of the different colors that dolphins can be:

Harbor Dolphin– This type of dolphin is typically grey or white. They can be seen in harbors all around the world.

Bottlenose Dolphin– As mentioned before, this is the most common type of dolphin, and they are typically grey. However, there are also pink bottlenose dolphins, which are very rare.

Albino Dolphin- These dolphins are completely white with pink eyes. They are quite rare and can be found in all sorts of different waters.

Blue Dolphins– These dolphins are a very deep blue color. They are quite rare and can be found in the open ocean.

Rizzo Dolphin– This type of dolphin is named after the scientist who discovered them. The most notable feature of this type of dolphin is its sunken nose, which gives the appearance of a square. These creatures are generally dark gray with white bellies.

Chinese White Dolphin– This dolphin is also known as the pink dolphin. They are a very light pink color and can be found in Chinese waters.

Pilot whale– This is a large black dolphin, also known as a blackfish. The back is jet-black, and the belly shares the same coloration as the two other dolphins in this picture – both are white.

Commerson’s dolphin– This is a small dolphin that can be black, brown, or tan. They have a white belly and a patch of pink or white on their side. These dolphins are found in the waters around Argentina.

Tucuxi– The Tucuxi is a gray dolphin that has a white belly. They are found in the Amazon River and its tributaries.

Dusky dolphin– The dusky dolphin is a dark gray color with a white belly. They are found in cool waters around the world, including New Zealand and Chile.

Spotted dolphin– These dolphins can be gray, blue, or even pink! They have spots all over their body, hence their name. These dolphins are found in all sorts of different waters, from the Mediterranean to the Pacific.

Why Do Dolphins Change Color?

The dolphins are generally gray in their infancy, gradually becoming pink as they mature. Their final hue is determined by their behavior, diet, capillary placement, and exposure to sunlight. They can be any shade from mostly gray with some pink spots to almost flamingo pink.

How Do Dolphins Become Pink?

Amazon river dolphins, or botos, start off grey and become progressively pinker as they age. The reason for this is that older dolphins’ skin becomes more transparent, allowing their blood to show through. When they get excited, they will temporarily flush a bright pink, similar to what human’s faces might do when we get embarrassed or excited.

Which Dolphin Can Change Its Color?

The Amazon river dolphin, or boot, is the only dolphin that is known to change its color. As they age, their skin becomes more transparent and their blood vessels become more visible. This causes them to appear pinker as they get older.

What Is The Most Common Dolphin Color?

The most common color for dolphins is grey. However, there are also pink dolphins, albino dolphins, and even blue dolphins!

How Rare Is a Pink Dolphin?

With their broad range and spotty distribution in hot spots, it’s tough to estimate the number of pink dolphins. However, there are an estimated 10 thousand+ of this type of dolphin.

Why Do Dolphins Blush?

Did you know that dolphins not only blush, but their bellies turn pink too? While it might look like they’re embarrassed, this is actually how dolphins get rid of extra heat. This process happens more often during the summer months in Florida.