The companionship between human beings and animals is important and it gives lots of advantages for both humans and animals. Pets are instant mood lifters and can help reduce stress as well as depression.
More so, the good thing about pets is that they are loyal and provide a great support system to their owners.
The most common pets include birds, cats and dogs but there are lots of pet lovers who would rather keep wild animals than house pets.
So are you one of those people who are dying to get a big scary animal like lions? Wondering how much does a lion cost? Keep on reading.

How much does a lion cost?
Lion cubs’ price range is between $1,600 and $15,000. Meanwhile, an adult lion starts from $5,000 and it goes up to $15,000. White lions, on the other hand, can cost up to $140,000.
Price is higher if the lion is a rare species. Aside from the purchase price, owners need to pay insurance coverage from $1,000 to $15,000 annually. They also need to pay state and federal authorizations that cost $200 yearly.
How much does it cost to rent a lion?
It will cost you $100 to $1000 per hour, if you want to rent a lion. However, only 10 states in the US approve renting of animals.
Can you buy a lion?
Yes. Regardless of who you are, as long as you have the money then you can own one. But remember you are not getting an ordinary cat, you need to practice handling exotic cats and you should be knowledgeable of the care they necessitate.
Are lions loyal?
Yes, lions are loyal to their pride. However, male lions seldom remain in the same pride for more than five years for some reasons. Lionesses, on the other hand, devote their whole lives to the pride they belong to.
Is it illegal to own a lion in the US?
Depending on what state you belong to. The US has banned the purchase of unusual pets including lions in its 21 states. But if you live in the following states,
Pennsylvania, Alabama, South California, Nevada, North California, Montana, Texas, Wisconsin, then you’re in luck.
Is it legal to own a lion in the UK?
Yes it is legal to own a lion in the UK as long as you have all the necessary licenses. First, you must secure a license then get it approved by the officials.
Once you secure a license, you are allowed to pet big cats such as tiger, cheetah, lion, puma and jaguar.
Do lions make good pets?
Yes. However, just like any other animals, if you will treat lions right and show them unconditional love then they will consider you his pack member. If you don’t treat them right and make him feel threatened, he will attack you without hesitation.
Can lions be tamed?
No. As we all know they are wild animals. Their instincts will kick in once they feel scared or threatened. It would be dangerous for the owners if their wild animals feel unsafe.
At what age can a lion roar?
Lionesses can roar a few months after they are born and male lions are able to roar when they are about one year old.
Do lions fear humans?
Lions are fearless creatures. They also become much more dangerous and prone to attack at night.
Can humans be friends with lions?
Yes. In fact, Valentin Gruener shows that although lions are wild animals they can be friends with humans if you treat them correctly and show them respect. As long as you treat them right they will do the same to you.
What to do if a lion is chasing you?
Try to stand still and don’t provoke it. Lions are born hunters and running will only stimulate their instinct to chase. Scary as it may seem but the only thing you can do is avoid running.
How long can a lion go without eating?
Lions are known to go without eating for around a week but as long as there is water supply, they can go up to a month without eating.
How often do lions eat?
Generally lions do need to eat every day and will hunt every 2-3 days.
Who eats a lion?
Lions are at the top of the food chain, so generally speaking no animals would dare to eat them.
However, other wild animals like hyenas and cheetahs would dare to attack lions for competition for food. Killing a lion and eating it just becomes a bonus for them.