Do Hyenas Eat Lions? (Here’s The Truth)

We all know that lions and hyenas are normal enemies. They have the most famous competitiveness in the wild. Aside from rivalry, these creatures have something in common and that is survival.

Just like any other animals, these creatures will do anything to feed. But you might be wondering, do hyenas eat lions? Do they have enough strength to take down these ferocious beasts?

Let’s find out!

Do hyenas eat lions?

Yes, hyenas eat lions. But this is a rare case. Nevertheless, if a group of hyenas spot a weak, old lion or a cub, they will try to attack it and eat it. They stay away from adult male lions on the other hand.

Do hyenas eat dead lions?

Hyenas are scavenging animals, so yes they eat dead lions or any dead animals. In addition, they prey on dead animals they didn’t kill. 

Nevertheless, hyenas are innate hunters so most of their food is gathered through hunting.

Do hyenas eat lion cubs?

Yes, hyenas eat young lions. They do not primarily see cubs as a food source, but the killing is to eliminate rivalry.  If they see an opportunity, they will attack and eat cubs.

Hyenas attack in large numbers and would not come without tactics. While other hyenas distract the adult lions, others take the chance to snatch the young lions. 

Do hyenas hunt lions?

No, they usually do not hunt lions. Hunting lions is not their priority but when the odds are in their favor, they will not hesitate to attack old, weak pride of lions or a cub. 

Are hyenas stronger than lions?

No, hyenas are not stronger than lions. Lions are much stronger than hyenas. Lions are bigger and heavier than hyenas.

Nevertheless, hyenas are smart, they don’t attack alone. Their strength relies on clans. That is why they often scare off smaller lion groups since they attack in large numbers.

Are lions and hyenas enemies?

Lions and hyenas fight for the same food sources in African regions. They steal each other’s food. 

Aside from food, these creatures fight for territory and would do anything to protect each other’s pack.

Moreover, lions and hyenas would kill each others’ babies to cut down the competition. 

Why are hyenas and lions enemies?

Hyenas and lions are both predators that live in the same African regions. Competition between these creatures has been created naturally because they scavenge the same prey on the same grounds.

How many hyenas can kill a lion?

The number of hyenas has to be around 20 to take down an adult male lion. Meanwhile, roughly 10 hyenas to defeat a single lioness. 

Sometimes it is impossible for a lion alone to fight back, if a large number of hyenas try to overpower it. 

When hyenas sense that a lion is injured or weak, they will circle around it and try to bite it from the behind. While attacking from the behind, hyenas will try to weaken it more until they get the chance to rip its belly.

Are hyenas afraid of female lions?

Lionesses are often aggressive while defending their cubs and their pride. So when they spot hyenas that are trying to get closer, they become defensive and would kill anyone who will try to attack its cubs.

That is the reason why hyenas keep their distance from female lions.