What Is a Group of Lions Called?  (Answered)

Often referred to as the kings of the jungles, lions rule the ecosystems they live in. As we all know these animals consume appreciable amounts of food.

However, do you have an idea what a group of lions is called? If not, then we will help you improve your vocabulary and understanding about these predatory animals.

What is a group of lions called?

A group of lions is called a pride. They are also referred to as a sault or troop. Still, pride is more befitting to address these big predators.

What is a male lion called?

A male lion is called a lion. Lions are big cat species that live in the group and a strong male lion is the king of the pride.

The leader of a group of lions is the pillar of strength of the pride. They usually do not partake in the hunting process and they protect the territory they live in, as well as the pride.

What is a female lion called?

A female lion is called a lioness. Female lions are the backbone of the pride.

They might not be the leader of the group, but they serve an important role for the group. They gather together to hunt food for the whole group. 

In addition to their responsibilities, lioness take care of the cubs. They feed and protect them while teaching them how to hunt.

What is a baby lion called?

A baby lion is called a cub. They are also referred to as lionet or whelp. Meanwhile. a group of lion cubs is known as the litter.

What is a group of male lions called?

A group of male lions is called a coalition. Aside from protecting the group, the coalition exude dominance and make sure no stray lion takes the position of a leader.

Normally, adult male lions in a pride are just about 2-3. So to keep the level of authority and competition at controlled levels, young lions at about 2 years of age are being kicked out from the pride.

What is a group of female lions called?

A group of female lions is still called a pride. Female lions practically do most of the things to run the pride. They hunt to give food for the group, they give birth and take care of the young lions.

When the cubs reach the right age, lionesses teach them how to hunt.

Why do lions live in groups?

Lions live in groups in order to improve their strength, protect their territories and protect their cubs. Moreover, it would be easier for them to hunt if they are in a group and the rate of possible injury during hunting is less.

Why are lion groups called pride?

Lions are the royalty of the animal kingdom that’s why a group of lions is called a pride. They are top of the food chain which means they have the power over other animals. Aside from no natural predators, lions are strong and fearless creatures.

These groups of creatures have been represented as a symbol of courage, dominance and justice. For all these reasons, Taxonomists called a group of lions a pride.

Are lions loyal to the group their whole lives? 

Not every lion actually.

The older lions in the pride normally chase young lion male out of the pride once the young lion is past the age of 2 or 3. Sometimes young ones decide to look for another pride where they can become an alpha.

That is why a coalition of lions outside of pride are usually young adult male lions exiled from their group or left their pride of birth.

Female lions, on the other hand, stay loyal to their pride. If there is enough food for the whole group, they stay and perform their duties.

Do lions migrate?

Lions do not migrate from their natural habitats. They live in climates where the food source is available during the entire year.

Do lions hibernate?

Lions do not hibernate. During winter, lions have enough food to sustain themselves without having to hibernate since they live in hot African habitats.

Lions don’t go into hibernation because they have access to food all year round.